Friday 31 July 2009

We'll all be, portions for foxes

Love, Reign o'er me...

It's a funny old thing, love. Sometimes, no matter how much you don't want to feel something; you still do. No matter how many distractions you try to give yourself, it always lingers in the background. But other times, you think some feeling is strong, but then it turns off like a light switch.

Answer me this...why does your heart have to think for itself? Even when your mind is saying; "Actually, that's a really bad idea and there's no way that can happen you utter mentalist" your heart just continues on its wee tangent oblivious to silly little things like consequences and morals. It's bad news when your mind and your heart start arguing. Your hearts all drunk on crazy, irrational feelings going "Ooooh I'm going to read what I like out of these signs k?"and your mind is like "Noooo way maaaaan, I'm not letting you say anything you crazy hippy, get a real job." And your fickle heart goes "I don't care, I like him you square."

And it goes on... but in the scheme of things, it's just another little leaf in a book, in the library of emotional rollercoasters. We have to just let some things wash over us and get swept back out with the tide. There's always a silver lining.

It makes life interesting I suppose. I mean, you have to look at things in a positive light don't you? Well I try to, otherwise I'd fall off my perch completely. Do you see a musical theme emerging in this post? Maybe not, but I always seem to incorporate lyrics into my blogs depending on what artist I'm listening to at the time. I don't know why. It's good fun though. I guess it kind of links my moods and feelings with the situation and with the music that I'm listening to.

I do like it when things are simple. When I'm at work, with the horses, that's often where life gets simple for me. I mean, it's like I said, it's all about putting a positive spin on it. Some might say (and I used to) that working on a stable yard doesn't benefit you all too much; it rains A LOT which leads to being soaked through and cold, having wet, muddy feet... trench foot anyone? And I have had many a close call involving flying hooves and charging horses. However, I don't think my mind is ever clearer than when I'm striding across a field as the sun is rising, or when there is a hint of garlic left in the air after feeding time. There's something...natural about being in the countryside, it's ingrained in us, it feels right to be out in the fresh air with the grass beneath your feet and nothing but the vast sky above your head. I like it when things are simple like that because all the things that your struggling with in yourself don't seem to matter quite so much.

Monday 29 June 2009

Don't blame it on the sunshine

Summer is just fantastic. Half day at work- now I'm sitting out my back garden in a bikini with a calypo and tunes. Good times. The tunes at this minute happen to be good old MJ. IT's very sad so it is, but let's celebrate the happy music times. This week has been great so far...I know it's only Moday but still. I've had loads of great music recommended AND have discovered Spotify, so I'm having a field day.

Went to a superb balloonheads bbq(even though it rained) last night. It was the best kind of bbq; the kind where people personalise their cups with various doodles and slogans. "That was textbook." And where we have good tunes on, have a proper laugh and there's more than one veggie. :)

Tuesday 23 June 2009

Get in the Flask

What better way to start your day than with a cup of tea and Genesis. Ok, so there are many better ways, but this could be a lot worse! I think some gardening is in order today. Ragin' though, I was meant to be going to Rev tonight for a friends birthday. It would have been great, but anyway I can't. She's doing a burlesque theme. A 'theme' night is really a great excuse to go out looking like a total slapper but without actually being one. Fun times indeed! Now I just have the dentist to look forward to. great...

I did do some gardening and got a numb mouth at the dentist. The positive outcome of which is that my already awesome impression of Little Nicky was even better for a couple of hours. I also had a rare evening of chilling with my brother which I never do. The only interaction we have is him hurling abuse at me as I walk in front of the tv while he's playing the xbox. So it was nice to play some badminton with him...even though our garden is a deathtrap of uneven slabs and tree branches. I suppose it gave it a bit of a twist- ultimate badminton (with assault course included). Not as good as ultimate frisbee though. Man that's a good game.

Sunday 21 June 2009

There's no wind without win.

I thought I'd take the time to write since I have to sit around all day. Today is the day we have to do our uni summer project for starting 3rd year. It involves inventing a device that will record the changes in a sensory element throughout the day 21/06/09; the summer solstice; the longest day of the year. The only reason I can see for them choosing this day is to force us to work for the maximum daylight hours possible. Nice of them.

Anyway, my project is to record wind force and direction at my chosen site; Belvedere Hill in my local park. The main idea is to highlight that there are many other important sensory experiences involved in architecture other than the obvious, the visual. Pretentious claptrap, but interesting in its own way.

So I dragged myself out of bed at 03:00, but decided that it was too early and instead started at 05:00. My experiment runs 'til 23:00 tonight and I've got to say I'm fed up. Mainly because of the ironic situation I find myself in: the one day that I NEED wind, is the one day that there is NONE! Christ on a stick! This is Scotland, there's ALWAYS wind! Sod's Law eh?

It's good that I get a day off work for this project though! I get to sit and listen to music all day whilst looking at a homemade wind registering device and occassionally changing the paper on it. I'm finding myself falling deeper in love with a band called The Hush Sound. I just can't get enough of them and would recommend them to anyone. If you want something bright and breezy, but with interesting lyrical undertones then get stuck in! I haven't been this excited about a band since I was made aware of Alter Bridge. Now there's a band! They are the best band I've ever seen live. Excellent gig.

I've hit a snag...the pen on my device has run out, and the back-up pens. crap. I suppose I better try and retify this...

Monday 25 May 2009

Music, food for mood

As much as I dislike trains these days, listening to The Eagles on the journey home today could only make me happy. I always have music that I listen to to cheer myself up and for a long time it has been Simon and Garfunkel, and that still remains. But I've started listening to the Eagles recently and they never fail to make me smile.

I love how music can effect people so much, and how it depends on their mood and the situation. When I'm at the drawing board, for example, sometimes I love some fast, heavy, gritty stuff to get me into the working zone, but yet other times I need to put some classical stuff on to clear my mind. Complete's strange. But anyway, I'm lucky in that I do the kind of work where I can listen to music most of the time and still concentrate. It is definately important, I think I'd go crazy without it.

I've got a good few hikes coming up this summer and I reckon we'll have to improvise with some music to keep up morale. The first time I realised that singing helped keep us walking on an expedition was a few years ago on Arran...which involved a rather crude version of 'O Flower of Scotland', which developed from our exhaustion and tedium caused by the relentless rain. I swear it just waits 'til I go hiking and then starts pouring.

I'm really looking forward to m upcoming expeditions, although have some doubts about my fitness. I really need to start training properly, and I will. I had to service the bike today and get it up to scratch so I can get training :) Here goes nothin!