Friday 31 July 2009

We'll all be, portions for foxes

Love, Reign o'er me...

It's a funny old thing, love. Sometimes, no matter how much you don't want to feel something; you still do. No matter how many distractions you try to give yourself, it always lingers in the background. But other times, you think some feeling is strong, but then it turns off like a light switch.

Answer me this...why does your heart have to think for itself? Even when your mind is saying; "Actually, that's a really bad idea and there's no way that can happen you utter mentalist" your heart just continues on its wee tangent oblivious to silly little things like consequences and morals. It's bad news when your mind and your heart start arguing. Your hearts all drunk on crazy, irrational feelings going "Ooooh I'm going to read what I like out of these signs k?"and your mind is like "Noooo way maaaaan, I'm not letting you say anything you crazy hippy, get a real job." And your fickle heart goes "I don't care, I like him you square."

And it goes on... but in the scheme of things, it's just another little leaf in a book, in the library of emotional rollercoasters. We have to just let some things wash over us and get swept back out with the tide. There's always a silver lining.

It makes life interesting I suppose. I mean, you have to look at things in a positive light don't you? Well I try to, otherwise I'd fall off my perch completely. Do you see a musical theme emerging in this post? Maybe not, but I always seem to incorporate lyrics into my blogs depending on what artist I'm listening to at the time. I don't know why. It's good fun though. I guess it kind of links my moods and feelings with the situation and with the music that I'm listening to.

I do like it when things are simple. When I'm at work, with the horses, that's often where life gets simple for me. I mean, it's like I said, it's all about putting a positive spin on it. Some might say (and I used to) that working on a stable yard doesn't benefit you all too much; it rains A LOT which leads to being soaked through and cold, having wet, muddy feet... trench foot anyone? And I have had many a close call involving flying hooves and charging horses. However, I don't think my mind is ever clearer than when I'm striding across a field as the sun is rising, or when there is a hint of garlic left in the air after feeding time. There's something...natural about being in the countryside, it's ingrained in us, it feels right to be out in the fresh air with the grass beneath your feet and nothing but the vast sky above your head. I like it when things are simple like that because all the things that your struggling with in yourself don't seem to matter quite so much.